Welcome to aashkara

Aashkara is much more than a typical training company. Encouraging teams and individuals to drive CSR initiatives, Aashkara proactively partners and supports the associations devoted to the cause.

Message Of CEO

Welcome to aashkara and thank you for accessing our site. As you explore our site, you will find that aashkara is much more than a typical training company. As CEO, I am committed to serve our clients and nation for offering programs and services to build knowledge and capability, at every level of the organization to lead without authority, accept accountability and execute organizational strategy. What makes me most proud about aashkara and our staff is our commitment to you as a partner in your success. Its not our place to manage your business or tell you what solution will work for you. Every organization is different and our goal is to help you understand the systems and practices needed to operate the complex cross-functional matrix and work with you to implement the components your organization needs, when it needs it.

Our training programs teach skills and give leaders and team members structured processes that help them work in the cross-functional organization, where working without authority is the primary way to achieve goals. Our consulting services focus on implementing horizontally focused systems and helping leaders identify the paradigms that need to change. If the solution you need is part of our offering, you can be confident it will be an innovative, collaborative and practical solution that prepares everyone to achieve results as soon as they walk out of training. For leaders we offer programs on how to lead with and without authority, the need to accept unconditional accountability and how to position everyone in the organization for success.

We do not forget to contribute towards our youth and nation; we offer free trainings and series of online certification courses focusing the basic concepts and relevant concepts for adopting or building perfect organizational culture Our programs have been offered to organizations country-wide, both large and small, profit and non-profit, across industries. Each time, we delivered on our promise to build skills that improved the delivery of results. Once again, I welcome you to aashkara and its first-rate offerings. Please feel free to send me a note about any facet of our organization and please visit again soon.